Archive | Meditation Advice


Different Types Of Meditation. What Is Right For You?

Meditation is an ancient practice of connecting with soul and experience calmness and tranquility.    Meditation is about consciousness, creating inner awareness, and discovering peace within. Let’s meditate Today, among various kinds of stress and competition, meditating is important and therefore gaining much popularity as well. There are many ways of doing it, just you need […]

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Top 10 Mindfulness Techniques for Busy People

Mindfulness for busy people When we go through busy phases of life (or if life feels chronically consuming for us), our intentions to practice mindfulness and meditation frequently get put on hold. When our time feels limited as it stands, taking a moment’s pause seems like the last thing we can afford. However, when life […]

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5 tips to improve mental health through meditation

5 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health Through Meditation

The role of meditation in promoting improved mental health has been recognized for centuries. As more and more medical studies seem to provide concrete, irrefutable links between good mental health and meditation, however, its positives effects are becoming more mainstream and more widely recognized. If you think that your own mental health could be improved […]

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Meditation helps in lower blood pressure

Meditation – Does It Help Lower Blood Pressure or Not?

Why Patients with High Blood Pressure Should Practice Meditation Meditation is an ancient practice from the Buddhist tradition in which an individual tries to focus on peaceful thoughts and relax their mind. Despite the high-stress environment many people live in today, only about 8 percent of Americans take part in some type of meditation. However, […]

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