Get Your Life Back: Treatment and Steps to Get Back on Track

Overcoming addiction is not an easy feat. But with proper treatment and a healthy support system, recovery from addiction is possible. Read on to learn more.

Woman using laptop in stress
Stress is rampant everywhere

Millions of people struggle with substance addiction around the world. In the US alone, there are

31.9 million people who use illegal drugs

, 10% of the population are

cocaine users

 and 5% are prescription sedatives users.

The effect that one can get from using drugs is addicting, causing euphoria and a flood of dopamine, which triggers a rewarding feeling. This feeling leads to habit formation, which then leads to substance abuse, resulting in addiction.

Drug abuse and drug addiction remain a huge problem in the country, next to alcohol abuse. Drug addiction and drug abuse are treated differently as addiction exposes the person to a slew of health issues, mentally and physically.

As bleak as the situation sounds, those who are suffering from addiction have a way out and access to recovery. There are different types of treatment but these are all designed to help the user recover and step away from the destructive habit for good.

If you or a family member are suffering from addiction, here are some ways to recover and start getting your life back on track:

Undergo Rehabilitation

Drug addiction is complex and can be triggered by various external and internal factors: early exposure to drugs, peer pressure, and even genetics. Uncovering what triggers an addiction is an important part of the solution and the rehabilitation procedure.

Treatment programs vary, depending on the substance and level of addiction. This means a rehab treatment for cocaine users may differ in length, form, and setting, depending on how long they’ve been using the substance and the health issues that are linked to the development of the addiction.

Treatment for those who use cocaine frequently but are not considered addicted yet will also differ from those who are considered addicted to the substance despite using the same drug type. For a patient to get the right type and length of treatment, the diagnosis and prescription must be done by licensed professionals: psychiatrists, psychologists, as well as drug and alcohol counselors.

Keep in mind that lab tests are only for the detection of substance use; the presence of a particular substance in the blood or in the body. These tests are not equivalent to a diagnostic test for addiction. Hence, going to a rehabilitation center and consulting with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or counselors should be the first step in seeking help to cure the substance use disorder.

Put One’s Self First

Anyone whoundergoes treatment shouldn’t be faulted and made to feel guilty when decide to put themselves first. At this point, their needs, health, and safety are of paramount importance to help them get started on their recovery journey.

If you are personally undergoing treatment for substance addiction, know that your welfare comes first and that there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting your needs and your comfort first to help your recovery.

Prioritizing self-care is essential in helping you make the most out of the rehabilitation treatment. A high level of self-care makes you feel better. When you feel better, your mood is more stable and you feel highly motivated to recover. People who are successful in their rehabilitation find the promise of a new future and a better life the best motivating factors to keep them on track with their rehabilitation process.

Think about what you want for yourself the kind of life you want to build once you’ve reached full recovery. You deserve a fresh start and a good one at that.

Find a Support System

In the years leading up to a full-blown addiction, you might have felt unhappy and dissatisfied in some areas of your life. You must have felt alone and thought that no one would understand what you were going through. However, you might be surprised at the number of people who actually care about you.

Should you find that some people in your life and relationships fall short of being part of your inner circle, don’t be afraid to let them go. Quality is better than quantity and only those who genuinely care about you should be part of your healthy, stable, and positive support system. Surrounding yourself with the right people and the right energy is extremely important during and after the treatment.Having a healthy support system is key in keeping you motivated to stay on track and go through the process more comfortably.

That said, keep yourself surrounded by people and relationships that are kind and supportive. These are people with whom you feel protected and safe. Likewise, they are the people you’d do the same thing for when the need calls for it.

Always remember: the decision to change is in your hands. You have control over your situation and you can choose to get better any time; no one can stop you from doing so.

Overcoming addiction is one of the most difficult things in life. But will determination, discipline, willpower, self-care, a healthy support system, and the proper treatment, you can and will get better.

Looking at the things that led you to addiction is perhaps the toughest part of the process, but overcoming these things and understanding how to respond and control these triggers can help you develop effective strategies to deal with these triggers, be it emotional, physical, environmental, and rise above the situation.