Learn the Pause Breath Method of Deep Breathing- It is easy
Let us learn a highly effective technique for automating the deep breathing. This method is known as ‘The pause breath’ method. Besides being a wonderful technique for learning and automating deep breathing , this pause breath method’ is also a powerful meditation technique. You can easily meditate using this technique whenever and wherever you want. Let us learn this technique:
The Pause Breath Method
The whole method can be summarized in the following two sentences:
” Focus your attention on the two pauses that occur while breathing. First – between inhalation and exhalation and then – between exhalation and inhalation. Just by doing this you will start taking deep breath automatically and unconsciously.”
In order to understand what is the meaning of focusing our attention on the two pauses that occur between inhalation and exhalation and then between exhalation and inhalation, let us have a close look at our breathing process itself.
whenever we take breath – we inhale air and exhale air.
During inhalation, we inhale the air through our nostril and it (the air) goes inside our body via our nasal passage. And on reaching a certain depth in our body, it comes out as exhalation through the same nasal passage. After exhalation, the air again goes inside for inhalation. then comes out for exhalation….then again goes inside for inhalation….then comes out for exhalation….and this process keeps repeating itself. .
During these two continuous process of inhalation and exhalation, the air stops for a tiny moment. When we inhale air, it comes inside and travels a certain distance inside the body. Then at a particular point, somewhere inside the body, it stops for a fraction of second and return for exhalation. For an infinitesimally small moment it stops and then returns for exhalation.
See for yourself. Stop reading further and observe your own breath. As you breath, the air goes inside during inhalation and at a certain point, it takes a pause i.e. it stops for a small fraction of second and then returns for exhalation. The logic is simple – if something is going inside you ( the air in this case) then it can only come outside when it stops at a point and change its direction.
A good analogy is to imagine a running Car which wants to take U turn. When it’ll reach at the U turn, it will stop and then take the U turn. similarly, when the air reaches inside the body, it stops somewhere for a moment and then turn back for exhalation. The moment when air stops for a very small duration inside our body and then turn back for exhalation is the first pause. This is the pause when inhalation stops and the process of exhalation is yet to start. Notice this pause.
Similarly when we exhale air, it passes through our nostril and moves outside our body. Then at a particular point it stops for a short moment and then returns for inhalation. The moment when air stops for a very small duration outside our body and then turn back for inhalation is the second pause. This is the pause when exhalation stops and the process of inhalation is yet to begin. Just notice the pause. Observe your breathing now and notice this second pause.
Let me repeat briefly: :
Whenever we inhale air, it goes inside our body and at a certain point it stops for a moment. There is a pause. At this pause the process of inhalation stops but the exhalation is yet to begin. It is an infinitesimally small but a definite pause. Similarly when we exhale air, it goes outside our body and at a certain point it stops. Again there is a pause. At this pause the exhalation stops but the inhalation is yet to begin. It is also an infinitesimally short but a definite pause.
For making your breathing deeper you have to focus your attention on these two pauses : the first that occur just after the inhalation (and just before the start of exhalation) and the second pause that occur just after the exhalation (and just before the start of inhalation).
Please remember that you are not required to focus your attention on any particular points inside or outside your body where these two pauses occur. The exact physical location where these pauses occur does not matter. It is not necessary. Just keep in mind that the main thing is not the location of pause but the pause itself.
The fact is that while inhalation or exhalation, your breath pause for a moment before shifting from inhalation to exhalation or vice-versa. You have to aware yourself of that pause. Your aim should be to be aware of these two pauses. That’s all ! .
Now as you read this, you can do this right now. No matter where you are, or who you are, one thing is certain. You are breathing right now ! So you can try it right now. Just observe your breath. The air is going inside and coming outside. Look for those two pause. Notice the air as it goes inside your body. Be aware of path it take inside your body. Notice how it stops somewhere in your body ( thoughfor a very small short lived moment)
Notice the pause which occurs when the inhalation stops and the exhalation is yet to begin. Just be aware of that pause. With a little observation, you can easily recognize these two pause. Similarly when the air goes outside, observe it carefully. Observe as the air moves outside your body and stops at a particular point before returning. Observe this external pause which occur when the exhalation stops and the inhalation is yet to begin. With a little attention you can easily recognize this external pause.
What will happen when you focus your attention on this two pause ?
As you focus your attention on these two pauses during breathing, soon you’ll notice that your breathing has started becoming deeper and deeper. You will be astonished to experience the effect of this miraculous method yourself. Do this for five minutes right now. Close your eyes. Sit comfortably and observe your breathing. Notice those two pause.
Don’t try to control your breathing.
If it slow let it be.
If it is moderate or fast, let it be.
Just focus your attention on the two pause that occurs : first – between inhalation and exhalation and then – between exhalation and inhalation.
Do it for 5 minutes now.
You will be surprised to see that just by focusing your attention on these two pause, your breathing is becoming deeper and deeper. You will instantly start breathing deeply just by being aware of these twp pauses.
Initially start focusing on these breathing pauses twice a day for 15 minutes each. Morning and evening are best time for this. These two 15 minutes session of pause breathing will prove very beneficial for you. In order to avoid distraction, try to perform these pause breathing session in a peaceful, lonely place if possible.
As you perform this method of focusing your attention on pauses, you will find that even when you stop focusing your attention on pause ( that is after a 15 minute session), your breathing is still deeper and relaxed. It is the most wonderful effect of this method. It leaves a sort of cascading long lasting effect. A tiny 15 minute session of pause breath will make your breathing deeper and relaxed for more than one hour !
Slowly-slowly as you practice this ‘pause breath’ method, your ability to take deep breath will increase on its own. By using this simple technique of pause breathing with perseverance, you will soon develop an unconscious habit of deep breathing that will go on automatically. Give a try to this method…This is the easiest and most effective method of learning deep breathing.
Also Read : Soham : The mantra that repeats itself (The use of ‘pause breath’ method as a meditation technique.)
Next : The another method of adopting an unconscious habit of deep breathing.
Click The Pavlov method of Deep Breathing
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