Here is the Basic Concept in nutshell :
Our brain ( and its billions of neurons) function by producing tiny electrical waves known as brainwaves. It has been observed in scientific experiments that Meditation brings a change in the frequency of these brainwaves. What scientists have devised is a way to externally influence the frequency of these brainwaves and take it to any desired level of frequency. Using this method, the frequencies of brainwaves during the process of Meditation, Deep Sleep, Relaxation, Hypnosis and other Spiritual Experiences have been identified. Using specialized sounds, these frequencies can be reproduced in the brain thus leading to an experience of spiritual phenomenon.
Meditation give rise to >>>> Change in Brainwave Frequency
Change in Brainwave Frequency will give rise to >>>>> Meditation
What you are going to read is a detailed explanation of this concept.
Introduction to Brainwaves & EEG
When somebody meditates, what are the things he experience during meditation?
Some of the most common outcome of regular meditation are :
A peaceful and relaxed stated of consciousness, Better health, Deep sleep, more energy, calm mind, increase in the confidence level and a positive outlook towards life. (For more detail read : Benefits of meditation )
Several researches have been conducted to study the effects of meditation on our body. The brains of many meditation monks have been investigated to study the changes that happen inside the brain during meditation. It has been observed that meditation results in a change in electrical waves activity in the brain. These electrical activities are measured with the help of a scientific instrument known as electroencephalograph (EEG).
Let us understand it in some more detail:
When I say ‘Electrical activity’ in brain what do I really mean?
Whether you believe it or not, a tiny electrical activity is always present throughout the body and is a byproduct of the activity within every living cell. As long as one is alive, his/her body cell will be involved in some kind of activity. Though as an organic whole, we often become oblivious of various kind of activities happening inside our body, they are always there inside and can be measured using specialized equipments.
As you read this webpage, thousands of activities are going on in your body. Your heart is pumping blood, your kidneys are filtering out the unwanted chemicals from body, your blood is circulating and carrying oxygen to various parts of your body, your breathing process is going on, your intestines and stomach are digesting the food you ate a few hours ago, your hairs and nails are growing…I can go on and on.
All these activities, at the very basic level, are being performed by trillions of living cells in your body. Individual biological cells survive by transferring electrically charged particles, called ions, across their cell membranes. This flow produces an electrical current that could be detected with sufficiently sensitive equipment. Measuring the electrical activity of the heart and brain is an established medical procedure, but detecting normal cellular electrical activity at a micro-level is still a major challenge. However, scientists are working on solving this problem. (Read this article for more info).
Your brain is made up of billions of brain cells called neurons, which use tiny electric impulses to communicate with each other. (Read more: How Neurons communicate with each other) The combination of millions of neurons sending signals to each other produces an enormous amount of electrical activity in the brain, which can be detected using sensitive medical equipment (such as an EEG). The combination of electrical activity of the brain is commonly called a Brainwave pattern, because of its cyclic, ‘wave-like’ nature. The electroencephalograph (EEG) was invented by Hans Berger in 1930. An EEG is recorded using electrodes attached to one’s scalp, or via the implantation of needle-like electrodes directly into various portions of the brain.
The EEG recording, called an electroencephalogram displays the electrical activity as waves, which in the past was drawn onto paper like a seismograph, and is now digitized in most labs. This wave-like property of the electrical signals led to the term “brainwaves.”
Depending upon their frequencies, these brainwaves have been classified into 5 categories :
- Gamma (30-70Hz),
- Beta (13-30Hz),
- Alpha (8-13Hz),
- Theta (4-8Hz); and
- Delta (1-4Hz).
Although any of these frequencies can occur at any electrode site of the brain, alpha waves are often recorded at posterior sites, theta waves at frontal sites, and gamma waves over sensory cortices.
Each of these wave patterns have been correlated through studies with various conscious phenomena such as sleep, attention, meditation, hypnosis, music, and relaxation etc. other areas.
In order to understand the whole philosophy behind Instant Meditation, we need to understand these five types of brainwave frequencies in some more detail as you will soon see that entire ‘Instant Meditation’ Industry revolves around altering our consciousness in tune with these brain wave frequencies.
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